Prairie State Legal Services Wins American Advertising Award

March 9, 2022

Prairie State Legal Services’ marketing team and Rockford-based marketing and advertising agency GinestraWatson earned a Silver ADDY award from the American Advertising Federation of Northern Illinois (AAFNI) during the February 2022 awards celebration. The group was recognized for its recently updated Brand Standards Guide, which included its refreshed logo identity, business stationary and marketing collateral.

The ADDY awards competition is sponsored by the American Advertising Federation of Northern Illinois–the trade association that serves the interests of the advertising community in Rockford and the northern Illinois area. The AAFNI is affiliated with the American Advertising Federation (AAF), the national organization which collectively represents over 50,000 advertising professionals and students. Entries were virtually judged this year based on creativity, originality and creative strategy. Prairie State’s Silver ADDY passed the first round of the 3-tiered American Advertising Awards competition and is eligible to be judged at the next level – the District 6 Competition.

To learn more about the ADDY Awards, visit