LegalServer Update: Wait Until 10 a.m. Sept. 3 to Enter New Information
UPDATE: Please do not enter anything new into LegalServer until 10 a.m. today, Sept. 3, including adding time and printing time sheets. You are welcome to continue to access LegalServer to view information.
A much needed update to LegalServer will be done this weekend starting at 5 p.m. on this Friday, August 30, 2024. This update will allow us to more efficiently manage time sheets, funding codes and grant tracking.
Much of the update will be done behind-the-scenes and you likely won't see many differences to LegalServer. When you access LegalServer after this weekend, client cases will still be in LegalServer as they have in the past, and you will be able to enter your time as you have in the past. However, you will notice that some grant funding codes and grant names will have changed in LegalServer; these changes will automatically populate and there is nothing that you will need to do. The funding code changes are documented here for your reference: LegalServer Funding Code Update 9/3/24. We will roll-out an update relating to electronically certifying time sheets in the coming weeks, and you will receive additional information and training at that time.
Out of an abundance of caution, we are asking our staff to not enter anything new into LegalServer this weekend from 5 p.m. on Friday, August 30 until 8 a.m. on Tuesday, September 3. The reason for this is we don't want any newly added data to be lost in the update. Over the weekend you will still be able to access LegalServer to view information; we are only asking that you not enter anything new into LegalServer over the weekend, such as case notes, time slips, or new intakes. If you need any assistance with LegalServer, please email
A huge THANK YOU to PSLS' Senior Case Management System Manager Chris Weygand who has been the lead on this LegalServer update, as well as to Carol Leitz and Jenn Luczkowiak and our Grants and Finance staff who have spent hours and hours getting us ready for this update.
Thank you for YOUR help during the update this weekend by not entering anything new into LegalServer over the weekend.