Introducing West Suburban Office's New Managing Attorney, Amber Moore

January 27, 2023

PSLS is pleased to announce that West Suburban Office Supervising Attorney Amber Moore has transitioned to Managing Attorney.

Amber MooreAmber graduated from Northern Illinois University College of Law in 1996 with the intended purpose of working in legal aid.

“I was going to be an English teacher but spent the summer between my junior and senior year of college working at a DV shelter,” Amber said. “After observing all the different problems shelter clients experienced, I felt a strong need to advocate for them and thought that becoming an attorney would be the best way to do that.”

According to Amber, there were limited opportunities in legal aid in 1996, and she took a job in private practice for several years with Murphy & Murphy before joining PSLS in 1999. Amber began her tenure at PSLS as a staff attorney in the Batavia office and became a supervising attorney in 2000 at the West Suburban office. While at PSLS, Amber has concentrated her practice in the area of family law, where she represents victims of domestic violence and sexual assault in obtaining protective orders and in custody and divorce cases.

“Working with other folks in the field, both inside and outside PSLS, energizes me,” Amber concluded. “I find that when you’re feeling burned out, that sense of collaboration and unity of purpose that you have with others doing the same work is really rejuvenating. My favorite part of the job is being able to make a difference in someone’s life each day. I know that sounds a bit hokey, but it is what keeps you in the game.”

When Amber isn’t working, she enjoys reading, working on home improvement projects, seeing live music, and spending time with her family.