An IEP for Delilah

April 26, 2024

Meet Delilah, a middle schooler who has lived with her foster family for three years. Delilah loves band class, but is struggling academically due to ADHD and unmet social emotional needs. Delilah’s foster parents have been trying to convince the school district to give Delilah the extra attention and support she deserves. All their attempts are unsuccessful, leaving Delilah left behind.

DCFS connected the foster family with PSLS. PSLS staff took special care to understand Delilah's needs and the urgency to get her on a path to academic success. After meeting with school district officials, PSLS secured district testing for Delilah. This testing led to the long awaited Individualized Education Plan (IEP) for Delilah.

Thanks to the tireless advocacy of PSLS staff, this school year Delilah has the tools and support for academic improvement! With higher grades, Delilah will gain self-confidence, is able to participate in band, and has the opportunity to join her school’s sports teams.