A Helping Hand for Deborah

August 15, 2024

Meet Deborah, a Illinoisan who struggles with mental health and substance abuse challenges. Deborah received a notice terminating her Section 8 housing voucher due to several incidents relating to her behavior. If Deborah lost her Section 8 voucher, she would be at risk of eviction and homelessness. In her time of need, Deborah turned to PSLS for help. Thanks to funding from the Winnebago County Community Mental Health Board, PSLS was able to provide high-quality legal services to Deborah.

PSLS staff represented Deborah at a meeting with the housing authority and presented evidence of Deborah’s challenges and plans to modify her behavior. Thanks to PSLS’ high-quality legal services, the housing authority was persuaded and Deborah can stay in her home!

WCCMHB’s funding is made possible through a half-cent sales tax in Winnebago County.

Name was changed to protect client confidentiality.