2024 Employee Wellness Screening: Reduced Premium!

October 15, 2024

Staff enrolled in a PSLS health insurance plan are eligible for a reduced premium by obtaining an annual checkup exam from their physician and providing an Explanation of Benefits (EOB) showing Physical History as the service description. You may receive EOB documents in the mail. If not, you can download EOB documents from the BlueCross BlueShield website.

If you already had an annual physical this year, you can email a copy of the EOB to hr@pslegal.org. If you have not had an exam in 2024, you must schedule it for this calendar year and email the EOB to hr@pslegal.org no later than Feb. 1, 2025.

If you do not wish to participate, you are still eligible to obtain health insurance from PSLS, but your share of the premium will be $50 higher each month in 2025.